Prior to becoming a short film, Pop Squad was originally a short story published by Paolo Bacigalupi in a collection titled "Pump Six and Other Stories". While Phillip Gelatt, the script adapter changed the ending for the film, it made the symbols and the story's theme more impactful overall. For starters, the hat is left behind on the kitchen table, signifying that Briggs has shed his role as an enforcer and is choosing to abandon his post as a state-sanctioned murderer. Furthermore, this allows him to feel the rain on his face. While he feels the rain in the short story, he does not die as he exits the house where Eve and Mealanie live like he does in the film. This enhances the meaning of the rain, signaling to the viewer that he is experiencing a change in his final moments as water is often a symbol of cleansing and rebirth. As he is faced with his own mortality, his eyes widen and come to life for the first time since th...
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