- Just the icon, no big lion, meant to look futuristic; a removal of life
- "All of the planets"
The dawn of man
- Warm colors
- First sign of life is a skeleton
- Monkeys are just chilling
- Cheetah attacks a monkey
- Watering hole war
- Cold colors as night falls
- The apes huddle in a cave, afraid of the cheetah
- Creepy music and monolith
- Sun rises over the monolith as the music reaches its peak- then it's silent
- The monkey realizes it can use the bone as a tool; the birth of technology
- Imagining killing another animal as he strikes the skeleton; kills and hurts and gets
- This time, they are bipedal and have weapons at the watering hole, they kill and
win the territory
- Bone to the space station
- Blue Danube
- Personal screens; an empty plane flying through space
- Grip shoes to combat zero gravity
- Facial and voice identification
- Cold and white; Hilton hotel
- Cool chairs
- Picture phone booth
- Missing his daughter's birthday
- "big mystery" on Clavius
- No outward communication; 10 days of a recording; no
- No permission to get an emergency landing; violation of the IAS
- Epidemic of an unknown origin
- American not talking with the Russians, watering hole war in a new way
- In-flight meals are in little boxed trays with tubes
- "big mystery" on Clavius
- No outward communication; 10 days of a recording; no
- No permission to get an emergency landing; violation of the IAS
- Epidemic of an unknown origin
- American not talking with the Russians, watering hole war in a new way
- In-flight meals are in little boxed trays with tubes
- Zero gravity toilet
- The epidemic is a cover story for a new and important discovery
- Magnetic field; something was deliberately buried 4 million years ago
- Was it put there to be found or forgotten?
- Music is experimental and horrifying
- Man touches it, like the apes discovering it for the first time
- High-pitched noise
The Jupiter mission, 18 months later
- Space ship looks like an eyeball or spine
- Hal is the brain and central nervous system of the ship
- "foolproof and incapable of error" - what happened to the unsinkable ship? It
- "Conscious entity"
- "acts like he has genuine emotions" because he's programmed like that; no one
knows if he has genuine emotions
- Losing chess to Hal
- IBM, after that comes HAL
- Weird shit is going on with the mission
- Hal is working on his psychological report
- Hal prints things in binary code instead of English
- A satellite will be failing in 72 hours
- Scanning with a helmet; screen inside the helmet which Hal also sees
- Hal wants them out of communication
- Hal is in error according to the people on earth
- "it can only be attributable to human error"
- They have to go hide in the pod to talk
- All aspects of ship operation are under his control; they would have to
disconnect him if he was wrong
- Hal can read lips
- Hal fucking killed a guy; he sent him spinning into the silence of space
- "Life functions terminated"
- He killed everyone that was in hyper-sleep
- The brain is the last thing to die
- Hal can read lips
- Hal fucking killed a guy; he sent him spinning into the silence of space
- "Life functions terminated"
- He killed everyone that was in hyper-sleep
- The brain is the last thing to die
- Hal reads him but he's not fucking answering
- "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
- Dave lets the corpse of his friend go; just letting it float into Outerspace
- He gets in through the emergency airlock
- Into the brain of Hal
- Hal: I'm afraid; I can feel it
- "Daisy, Daisy"
- 18 months ago they found evidence of intelligent life; a radio transmission aimed at Jupiter
Jupiter and beyond the infinite
- Back to the scary choir music
- There's another monolith floating around (maybe it's the same one?)
- Shot of the planets in alignment; monolith in between them
- Eyes; into the eye; into space;
- New dimension
- He's aged; rococo and modern mixed
- Did Mr. Stanley Kubrick just imply that god is a white man???
- It seems to be Dave but even older?
- He's just having dinner; just chillin
- Knocks the glass over
- Even older grosser; dying man in bed
- Dawn to dusk of man
- I would literally throw up if I saw this on acid
- The monolith stands over him on his deathbed
- A white light; a fetus
- We touch the monolith through the camera
- It's a circular plot
- Fetus among the planets
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